About This Activity
Hinsdale gymnastics center offers the child the opportunity to experience a wide range of gross motor activities while being introduced to the sport of gymnastics. There are a variety of age groups to address the various physical, experience, and maturation levels of the student. Children are amazing and diverse in their abilities and attentiveness. Each child presents with different intensities and desires. Please enroll your child for the appropriate class.Gymnastics I & II:
Girls and boys at the beginner level will experience entry level skills on the apparatus; floor exercise or tumbling, vault, bar/s, and the use of both girls and boy's gymnastics equipment. Students should be motivated and willing to try new movement experiences and methods.
Make-up classes are available for any one missed class date based on program availability. One make-up class per session and no prorates. Please talk with the gymnastics coaches on how to make up a missed class.
Hinsdale Central entrance instructions:
Enter through Door 5 on South Grant Street. There will be parking right across from the entrance of Door 5. When you enter Door 5, you will go down to the end of the hall and take a right. Once you take a right you will see red signs above the doorways. The gymnastics sign is on the right side of the hall.
Hinsdale Central Address: 5500 S Grant St, Hinsdale, IL 60521
Hinsdale Central High School Gymnastics Room
Hinsdale Gymnastics Center
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