Campers will be learning the process of music creation and the basics of lyrical composition, including flow, melody and the importance of a hook, through the use of instruments and various music programs. Together they will craft and record their own personal songs, with a goal to have their own records that they can share and/or perform for family and friends. More importantly campers will gain confidence in creating and performing their own music. TPS has a lot of musical talent and we know this camp experience will help cultivate their skills and express their art. TPS alum and musician, Oliver Feighan, has a long history in the music industry, including touring the world. Returning back to Philadelphia, Oliver has joined ASEP working with JU students. Zaire Best is a rapper and beloved ASEP teacher for several years, with close connections in the school community. Zaire has taught in various public and charter schools prior to TPS. Together they are on a mission to support creative expression and help students find their voice. Please note: Campers must wear comfortable clothing that may get dirty.
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