PRACTICE & GAMES Practice will be four days a week: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, from 3:30-5:15pm, and Fridays, from 3:15-4:15pm, at Penn Hamlin Tennis Center. Athletes should wear athletic clothing and bring a tennis racquet and water bottle. Athletes will meet in the TPS gym each day for practice. The team will have several matches, both home and away. A final season schedule will be sent to families at the conclusion of registration. Athletes will be given a TPS-issued uniform to wear for games. For away games, athletes will be dismissed from class at 2:25 to change and travel via bus to their game. TEAMS Our tennis team will be split for games into an A and a B team. The split of the two teams will be decided prior to the first game, and be communicated to parents via email. DISMISSAL As all Middle School students are independent walkers; they are free to leave TPS on their own after practice and games. Alternatively, they can wait in the Lombard yard to be picked up by their families. For away games, students are bussed to the away game school, and can leave with their families or they can take the bus back to TPS. ATTENDANCE EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to attend all practices and games, including staying for A and B team matches. If an athlete needs to miss a practice or match they must notify their coach at least one day in advance. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence. If a player cannot consistently commit to practice and has more than 2 unexcused absences, they will no longer be able to participate on the team. PAPERWORK Students will need to return the signed Student-Athlete Contract, found on the last page of the TPS Athletic Handbook and PIAA Physical Medical Form (dated June 1, 2024 or later) to their Magnus Health account, prior to the first day of practice on Monday, March 10. More information will be provided via email after registration closes.
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