About This Activity
IIn the Riverside S.T.A.R. Program, youth participate in Sports, Tutoring, Arts and Recreation. Community center staff conducts drop-in after-school activities for youth 5-12 years old to promote and enhance self-esteem in a supervised environment. Note: This program does not meet on City holidays, school holidays, school in-service and/or minimum days and operates during the traditional school year. Registration is taken on a first-come, first-served basis and a wait list will be taken after capacity is reached. Extended Care Fee (Wednesdays): $12 per participant/month.
Note: Participants must bring their own snacks. This program does not meet on City holidays, school holidays school in service and operates during the traditional school year (unless noted below). Registration is taken on a first-come, first-served basis and a wait list will be taken after capacity is reached.
Activity Secondary Category
La Sierra Park - Arts & Crafts Room at La Sierra Park/La Sierra Community Center
City Staff
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