Rockets and Flight is a great camp to introduce campers to the world of propulsion and Flight. Will we be building rockets for NASA? No, but we will be working with some fun mentos and Alka seltzer rockets and learning how they work. Campers will also design and do drawings for rockets, as well as talk about the Flight! How can you build the best paper airplane that will go the distance? Can we create an ejection design idea for a plane that would keep the people inside safe? How do animals use the wind to fly? Can we re-create the buzzing sound of a bee? We sure can! Each day campers will have a project requiring a design phase, trial run, and launch. Our Specialty Programs includes a minimum of 1.5 - 2 hours a day of Specialty specific programming. They will also participate in daily traditional camp activities, all of which are age-appropriate games, hikes, and more determined by their counselors to fit the theme of the week and what the group likes to do. Activities include Archery, Hiking, Low Ropes, Swimming, Art and Crafts, Fort Building, Organized Games and more.
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