Our Counselors in Training (CITs) are an integral part of our Summer Camp Program. Working alongside our Naturalists is a great opportunity for every teenager to have fun, be outdoors, and begin to develop the responsibilities of a job while working with trained professionals and growing in SF’s community. CITs will be assigned to a group and spend their days at camp assisting our Naturalists by helping campers, setting up experiments, handling animals, teaching natural history and more. The CIT program is designed to support participants in honing leadership, communication and teaching skills, as well as enjoy a summer outdoors with our campers. We encourage all applicants with interests in art, science, nature, outdoor education and teaching to join us and begin the journey towards becoming an inspirational leader in the outdoors. Our hope is that some of our CITs will later move into Naturalist Assistant Summer Camp group leaders after their completion of the full program or into Summer Naturalists after college! **YOU MUST SUBMIT AN APPLICATION & BE APPROVED BEFORE REGISTERING**
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