Ahoy mateys- it’s summertime! Hoist the sails, seal the submarine hatches, onboard the Outrigger, and prepare for an aquatic adventure. During a week dedicated to the summer seas, we’ll explore marine habitats, coastal communities, the wonders of weather, and the mysteries of the Blue Planet! The oceans are responsible for producing most of the oxygen on earth needed by all its inhabitants. The Pacific coast of North America is one of the most biologically productive places in the world, and we can see the evidence. Whales are always stopping by for a snack, otters, seals, sea lions and dolphins play in the tides while sunfish, blowfish, swordfish and skippers are all fond of our cold waters. The oceans manufacture the famous fog of San Francisco, and the sailors of the bay and beyond know that the wind here can lift you off your feet. Join us for a fantastic fun neat week of whacky weather and sandy feet to round-out our summer.
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