The Spring Season starts on February 19th, are you ready? We are inviting current 7th - 9th graders who are signed up for ANY sport this spring to participate in strength training sessions and speed sessions to get ready for the upcoming season. There will be a total of 10 dates with 90-minute training sessions (3:30-5pm). We will focus on gaining strength, improving movement quality, building endurance, increasing flexibility and mobility, and improving speed and power; all designed for your specific sport. We will meet in the weight room. The cost to attend all 10 sessions is $250, and students will also receive a Summit Strength & Conditioning shirt! Dates: Week 1: February 3rd through February 7th: 3:30 - 5pm Week 2: February 10th through February 14th: 3:30-5pm Clinic Coach: Drew Mintz If you have any questions please reach out to Coach Felten. (
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