About This Activity
This activity is closed to further registration.
This game, played by both males and females, is a popular sport at the high school, college, and club level. The focus will be on skill development, sportsmanship, basic rules and FUN. Participants will be grouped by grade and will learn how to shoot, pass and SCORE! Equipment including a ball, goggles (ASTM 2017 certified or better), stick, mouth guard and shin pads are required and not provided. Equipment can be purchased at local sporting goods stores or online.
Every attempt will be made to schedule games with other communities. We might have the opportunity to play in Gorham, Scarborough, and other Greater Portland communities.
In the case of severe weather, the FHS Gyms will be used.
A stick size chart is provided below to help you when purchasing your field hockey stick. Sizes are measured by the height of the player. Follow the chart to calculate stick size.
Stick Size Players Height
28inch 3'10"-3'11"30inch 4'- 4'3"
32inch 4'4"-4'6"
34inch 4'7"-5'
35inch 5'1"-5'3"
36inch 5'4"-5'6"
Please make sure to bring your own labeled equipment listed above including a ball and water bottle.
Price includes a shirt.
Deadline to register is August 29.
$25 late fee if registering after August 29.
Important: Schedule is subject to change. A schedule will be sent out as we near the beginning of the program. There is a chance of participating in events on Saturdays. Start and end times will vary and could go longer than listed.
No refunds after August 29.
Grade 1 - Grade 2
FHS Artificial Turf Field and Greater Portland communities
Robin Haley
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