Drill of the Week: Bank Shot Hockey Drill for Kids

Welcome to Drill of the Week, a series on ACTIVEkids.com that explains individual and team drills for parents and coaches to help kids improve at the sports they love.

This week's drill is Bank Shot, a hockey exercise brought to you by TheDrillbook.com.


Bank Shot is a bank, react, trap and release drill. To be successful, players have to work together with focus and precision. Each player lines up with pucks at their feet. One player banks a minimum of four pucks to their partner who must receive and then release the shot over the face down net in an attempt to score in the upper corners. After four pucks, the players quickly switch roles and continue. Players can line up on their forehand or backhand side.

Teaching Points

Passing: Pass the puck on a direct angle to the net and pass the puck hard.

Shooter: React quickly to the puck with the stick on the ice. Trap the puck with soft hands, which are positioned in front of the body. Focus on burying the puck in the top corners and attempt to keep a heads up on the release.

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TheDrillBook is a revolutionary new platform and mobile app that provides multiple sport player development via fun and engaging games/drills/activities for your child to master critical sports skills and tactics. Additionally as a Parent/Coach you will find robust content on how to teach each sport and valuable modules on nutrition, safety, equipment, leadership development and more. Complete Team Management/Communication, Scheduling and Practice Modules come into play when your child uses TheDrillBook as part of an organized sports team.
TheDrillBook is a revolutionary new platform and mobile app that provides multiple sport player development via fun and engaging games/drills/activities for your child to master critical sports skills and tactics. Additionally as a Parent/Coach you will find robust content on how to teach each sport and valuable modules on nutrition, safety, equipment, leadership development and more. Complete Team Management/Communication, Scheduling and Practice Modules come into play when your child uses TheDrillBook as part of an organized sports team.

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