How to Plan a Workout That’s Fun For the Whole Family

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Working out together as a family means you don’t need to think in sets or reps—think in terms of fun and play instead. Play-based fitness will not only get more effort from your kids, it will also get everyone moving and sweating without even realizing how much work they’re really doing.

Remember, as kids get older the “perfect” family workout will evolve.

So go ahead—load the kids in a stroller or wagon and get the older kids on their bikes or running alongside you. Park playtime is on!

Get Them Hyped
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Want to get your kids excited? Let them brainstorm what activities you're going to do when you get to the park. Kids love to choose, and it also reinforces that their input is valued.

Allow everyone in the family to come up with one major exercise or play activity. For example, a toddler might pick going down the slide or swinging, while older kids might choose jumping jacks or pull-ups.
Not Just For the Kids
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Parents need activity too! Find creative ways to engage with your kids as they are doing their activity. For example, see how many jumping lunges you can do in the time it takes for your kiddo to make it down the slide, then hold a plank for the time it takes them to make it back to the top of the slide again. They'll enjoy the competitive element, as they try to make it back to the top as fast (or as slow!) as possible.
Up the Ante
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If you don't have a playground, consider taking ordinary games like tag and making them more challenging by bear crawling or crab walking instead of running. An old game suddenly becomes a daring physical challenge, and it's sure to get some laughs along the way.
Turn Play into a Circuit
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Set a timer and rotate through one activity of each child's choosing—then head back home at the same pace you came. For example, a quick game of tag coupled with monkey bars and finished off with a climb to the top of the slide can elevate your heart rate while keeping your kids interested.