BISV RESEARCH JOURNAL Activity Organizer: Dr. Allendoerfer Email: Date: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month Time: 4:00 PM–5:00 PM Grades: 9–12 Cost: Description: This club will serve as the editorial board for the school-wide student research journal, “The Scope”. Club members will be assigned roles to manage the papers, from design to article editing to peer review, based on their specialties. Students should ideally have experience with basic visual media tools, like Adobe Acrobat, Google Docs, and Microsoft Word. We will publish two volumes of the journal online, in fall (November/December) and spring (April/May). The Fall edition will accept papers from independent research done over the summer and fall, including internships, competitions, term project trips, and science fairs. The spring edition will focus on research done in Capstone classes but will also accept papers from independent projects done at any time, again including internships.
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