As a busy parent, it's hard to squeeze a workout into an already jam-packed day. Making time for fitness should be a priority—your health depends on it after all. Working out at a gym is an option, but the cost of a membership, a long commute to and from the gym or fighting over available equipment during peak hours may be more of a hassle and you end up not going at all. Rather than forking over your hard earned cash to a membership that doesn't get used, exercising at home may be a better solution.
If you are a busy parent and want to get the most bang for your buck with working out at home, your solution is bodyweight exercises. It's the best at-home strength training tool that comes at no extra cost!
Bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere, any time. There's no fancy equipment that costs an arm and a leg. It's a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility and strength with the ease of convenience.
Try this Bodyweight Tabata for a mega sweaty workout at home that can be done in less than 30 minutes.
Bodyweight Tabata
Before you begin the Tabata, warm up your body for 10 to 15 minutes with an easy movement, such as walking. Once warmed up, do each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds. Do four rounds of each superset and then repeat the entire circuit a total of two times. After the workout, do 5 to 10 minutes of stretching to cool down.
Superset No. 1
Mountain Climber: Starting on your hands and knees, bring your left knee forward directly under your chest while straightening the right leg. Keeping your hands on the ground and core tight, jump and switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind your body with your right knee forward.
Rolling Plank: Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground and legs extended behind you. Rotate your torso to the left side, rolling onto your left forearm and stacking your right foot on top of your left in a left side plank. Hold for 2 to 3 seconds, then return to the starting position. Hold for one second, then repeat on the right side.
Superset No. 2
Walking Lunges: Standing tall, take a big step forward with your right foot, landing on the heel and lower your hips toward the floor by bending both knees to 90-degree angles. The back knee should point toward but not touch the ground, and your front knee should not be past your ankle. Press your right heel firmly into the ground as you raise back up, engaging your glutes. Push off with your left foot to bring your left leg forward, stepping into a lunge on the other side.
Elbow to Knee Push Up: Start in a push-up position. Bring your right knee toward your right elbow while lowering your chest toward the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left knee to elbow while lowering your chest toward ground.
Superset No. 3
Burpees: Start in a low squat position with your hands on the floor. Next, jump the feet back to a push-up position, complete one push-up then immediately return your feet to the squat position. Jump up as high as possible before squatting and moving back into the push-up.
Single Leg Deadlift: Start in a standing position with your feet together. Lift your right leg slightly and lower your arms and torso while raising the right leg behind your body. Keep your left knee slightly bent and reach your arms as close to the floor as possible. Raise your torso while lowering your right leg. Switch legs and repeat.
Superset No. 4
Frog Jumps: Start in a deep squat with your heels and toes on the ground. Have your hands clasped in front of you. Jump straight up, mainly using the balls of your feet, and go as high as you can. Land on the balls of your feet then proceed to the start position with your bottom almost touching the ground.
Plank to Push-Up: Starting in a plank position, place down one hand at a time to lift up into a push-up position, with your back straight and your core engaged. Then move one arm at a time back into the plank position (forearms on the ground). Repeat, alternating the arm that makes the first move.
READ THIS NEXT: Challenging, At-Home Workouts You Can Do With Limited Equipment
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