10 Tips for Traveling with Kids

6. Food and Beverage Service

Hungry kids are grumpy kids and grumpy kids can quickly make a vacation trip unpleasant for everyone. When traveling with your little ones, always bring lots of healthy snacks and drinks, and put them in a place that's easy to reach.

Avoid chocolate or sugary treats that can melt and leave a mess. And of course, sugar and children in a confined space for any length of time is asking for disciplinary headaches--they'll have too much energy to sit for any length of time. For parched throats, plain bottled water is sufficient. Your tiny travelers may complain, but if there's nothing else to drink they'll take the hint.

More: Homemade Healthy Snacks for Kids

7. Comfy Clothing

Weather conditions can vary widely from region to region. Dress your kids in layers of light clothing that can be removed or added easily. And remember to pack along a small blanket that can be used as a cover or a pillow.

8. Ground Rules

Before you start your vacation, take a few moments to lay down some ground rules for behavior. Try writing them down in a short list of five items or less and print out a copy to take in the car. This can help nip sibling squabbles in the bud and make for a more enjoyable adventure. Also, don't forget to discuss the penalties for bad behavior. Above all, keep calm.

9. Have a First-Aid Kit on Hand

Children are prone to bumps, scrapes, insect bites and upset tummies. So keep a well-maintained, well-stocked first aid kit in your vehicle to deal with all the minor emergencies that might occur.

10. Rewards for Good Behavior

For you, the trip itself is your reward. Your kids, however, would often be just as happy staying home. At various stops along your route, reward them for great behavior with a small, inexpensive souvenir. That way, they'll have something to look forward to for being good.

More: 5 Family Time Activities

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