Drill of the Week: Baseball Zipper Relay for Kids

Drill of the Week, a series on ACTIVEkids.com that explains individual and team drills for parents and coaches to help kids improve at the sports they love.

This week's drill is Zipper Relay, a baseball conditioning drill brought to you by TheDrillbook.com.


"Zipper Relay", is an innovative and fun way to work on agility, athleticism and conditioning. Break your players into 2 or 3 player units. On "Go", the first player in each line explodes to the first ball, picks it up, and then runs backwards to their partner while handing the ball over. The active player then runs to the second ball and repeats and finally to the third ball. Once the player returns home, with the third ball, the next partner returns the balls to their original positions and sprints back to their start point. The first team to finish is declared the winner. Feel free to change the running pattern to introduce things like karaoke. After a few relays the players will be exhausted.

More: Drill of the Week: Baseball Hot Potato Drill for Kids

Key Teaching Points


Run with body control (neutral spine), head up and knee flex. This drill can be done with or without a glove depending on age and ability level.

More: Drill of the Week: Hail Mary Baseball Drill for Kids

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About the Author


TheDrillBook is a revolutionary new platform and mobile app that provides multiple sport player development via fun and engaging games/drills/activities for your child to master critical sports skills and tactics. Additionally as a Parent/Coach you will find robust content on how to teach each sport and valuable modules on nutrition, safety, equipment, leadership development and more. Complete Team Management/Communication, Scheduling and Practice Modules come into play when your child uses TheDrillBook as part of an organized sports team.
TheDrillBook is a revolutionary new platform and mobile app that provides multiple sport player development via fun and engaging games/drills/activities for your child to master critical sports skills and tactics. Additionally as a Parent/Coach you will find robust content on how to teach each sport and valuable modules on nutrition, safety, equipment, leadership development and more. Complete Team Management/Communication, Scheduling and Practice Modules come into play when your child uses TheDrillBook as part of an organized sports team.

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