How to Talk to Kids About Tough Topics

The world moves faster than ever these days, and every event seems to bring another tough topic to the forefront. World hunger, religion, crime, politics, race relations and natural disasters are just some of the current events subjects that can make parents cringe. How to discuss them with kids? Many parents would prefer to change the channel and leave it for another time. But we can't.

The fact is, random headlines, stray comments and social media provide children with access to bits and pieces of information all day long. But, the information they receive is often incomplete and less than reliable. As parents, it falls to us to explain tough topics as best we can, and answer the questions our kids might ask.

Here are four simple tips for talking about tough topics with your kid.

About the Author

Teia Collier

Teia Collier writes on the subjects of parenting, kids and being a working mom for ACTIVEkids. She is a mother of three, educator, social journalist and advocate for women’s and children’s issues. She is also on a mission to explore and experience the best that life has to offer. Follow Teia’s adventures at Dallas Single Mom.
Teia Collier writes on the subjects of parenting, kids and being a working mom for ACTIVEkids. She is a mother of three, educator, social journalist and advocate for women’s and children’s issues. She is also on a mission to explore and experience the best that life has to offer. Follow Teia’s adventures at Dallas Single Mom.

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