Most Effective Core Exercises for Busy Parents

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Being a parent keeps you busy from sunrise to sunset all day.

Even after the sun goes down, you are probably still rushing around getting things done—including your daily workout.

Having a strong core can protect you from back pain, which is one of the most common ailments for parents who lug their kids around constantly.

Strengthening your core doesn't have to take hours out of your day if you're doing the most effective exercises. Core work should be done 3 to 5 days per week for optimal benefits. I like to do my core strengthening in my living room at the end of the day while I'm catching up on what's going on in TV land.

Mix and match three or more of these exercises for an effective core workout in less than 15 minutes.
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Hold a plank position with your shoulders in line with your elbows and your butt in line with your back and legs.
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Sit in a v position with your knees bent and your arms outstretched or behind your head. Unfold your body, keeping your core tight and controlled then return to your starting position.
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Lie on the ground with your knees bent and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, keeping your abs tight and contracted on the way up and back down.
Weighted Sit-up
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Holding a weight or plate to your chest, perform a sit-up. No weights? No problem. Use a heavy household item instead!
Weighted Side Crunch
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Stand up straight, holding a weight or plate in one hand and slowly bend to the side with the weight, using your abs to return your body to the starting position.
Russian Twist
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Sit in a V position with your knees bent and ankles crossed. With or without a medicine ball, twist your torso from side to side in a controlled motion.
Ab Slide
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Using an ab roller or sliding plate, stretch your arms out in front of you until you're nearly parallel to the floor. Then use your abs to pull yourself back into the starting position. Focus on keeping your stomach tucked in. Beginners may need to work their way up to the full extension.
Leg Raises
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Holding a bench or partner's legs, use your abs to bring your legs up and swing them down with force without touching the ground.
Flutter Kicks
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With your shoulder blades just touching the floor, alternate 6-inch leg raises, keeping both off the floor at all times.
Mountain Climbers
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Starting in an elevated plank position, quickly bring your knee to your chest then switch.
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Start in an elevated plank position with your feet on sliding discs. Use your abs to pull your feet in, creating a v position then slide them back out into the starting position.
Holding V-Up
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Raise your arms and legs and hold a v position in the air.